京都ご宿泊をプレゼント!WIN an ₳UTUMN ST₳Y in K¥OTO!
English version follows below
Kyoto Stake Poolは、京都の素晴らしさをADA保有者と共有します!京都の紅葉が最も素晴らしい時期に、当選者を清水寺から近くの京町家(9人まで滞在可能)にご招待します! このメッセージに「いいね」と「シェア」をすると、くじ引き券は20%増しに!
・締め切りまでにKyoto Stake Pool(KSP)の委任者になってください。
・より多くのADAを委任することで当選チャンスが上がります!委任したADA数=くじ引き券の枚数 となります。
①ADAをKyoto Stake Poolに委任。(“KYOTO”)
②あなたのウォレットのアドレス、ツィッター・アカウント、メールアドレスをKyoto Stake Poolのウェブサイトにてご登録。
・くじ引き当選者発表:2021年11月13日(土) 当選はツィッターにてご確認ください(@poolKyoto)
English version:
Kyoto Stake Pool sharing Kyoto brilliance with ₳ holders!
During Japan Autumn leaves season, the winner and his guests (up to 9 ) will stay in a traditional machiya house, next to the Kiyomizudera!
Participants that will like and share this post will get 20% extra tickets.
To participate:
Be a delegator to KSP at the time of the snap shot.
The more ₳ , the more chances to win: 1 ₳ delegated = 1 ticket!
2 actions needed, before the snapshot:
Delegate the ₳ in your wallet to our stake pool. (“KYOTO”)
Register on our website your public wallet address, twitter account and email.
Extra action for bonus:
Like, share this lottery on Twitter or Facebook to get +20% extra tickets :-)
Terms and Conditions:
Deadline to delegate and participate: Novembre 12th 23:59 JST
Lottery draw and winner notification: 1Novembre 13th
(Check our Twitter account for results (@poolKyoto))
Free weekend stay from 11/26 until 11/28 noon.
Stay date can be changed within 2021, upon availability.
Guest details will remain private.